


Celebrating Ballarat Philatelic Society's 120th Anniversay

Saturday May 11th

Invitation Only

Historic Items on  and Display Frames for viewing

Excellent Cover designed by Club Life Member Keith Sanders with

Pictorial Post Mark designed by Club Member Sara Waugh available for purchase.

The cover, with the insert is available for $5 plus $2.50 postage and handling by email order to advising the numer of covers you wish to order. 

Payment to be made to Ballarat Philatelic Society BSB 013 516 A/c 642092592 and reference your name.



 120 Years Celebration








Please note Maryborough Stamp Fair  will definitely take place on Sat 26th October at Mill House, Maryborough.


March 2024 Guest Speaker - Ian Saddler

At our March meeting we were priviliged to have Ian Saddler as our guest speaker.  Ian been a member of the Brighton Philatelic Society for 18 years of which he is a life member, committee person and past president (3 times) . He is also a  member of the Royal and the Australian Philatelic Society and has exhibited displays locally and internationally.  Ian gave a very informative presentation on the philatelic material related to the Japanese occupation during World War Two.  He spoke to number of "open" display sheets and passed these around and displayed many more for members to peruse.  Ian also gave a short presentation on one of his pet areas, the Indian Princely States.  Members were in awe of the material Ian presented and were keen to discuss the material with Ian following his chat.  Below are photos of Ian with some of the members in attandance and with club vice president, Cliff Matthews.

March 2024 Guest Speaker  March 2024 Guest Speaker


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