

1904 Meeting Record - Ballarat Stamp Club

Promoting Philately in Ballarat and District

The Ballarat Philatelic Society has a proud history from its first recorded meeting in April 1904 to the current day.

The Society’s Golden Jubilee Exhibition celebration was held from the October 5th to 7th, 1972, based on the Society “coming into existence” on 5th December 1922 as per a receipt issued at that time to Mr. K. Young for his membership subscription.

However, despite the comments written for the jubilee celebrations there was uncertainty expressed regarding 1922 as the actual year of the Society’s formation.

Further research uncovered an article in the “New Zealand Philatelist”, June 1904, recording the earlier existence of the Ballarat Philatelic Society from an April 1904 meeting noting the attendees and the motions moved.

1922 Receipt - Ballarat Stamp Club

Further evidence of the Society’s existence in 1904 is the adjacent postcard provided by Ballarat Philatelic Society member Ray Kelly. “The Australian Journal of Philately” Vol 4 Number 6, March 15, 1904, also confirmation of the existence indicating the foundation of the Society.

Further reports in “The Australian Journal of Philately” March 16, 1905, noted that the first annual meeting held by the Society in January 1905 and again in the 1st  of July 1907 issue, that reported on the annual meeting conducted on  May 22, 1907. 

Many early records were lost and thus there appears to be three significant years for the Ballarat Philatelic Society. The first was 1904 with the formation of the Society and then 1922 when records were available again.

What occurred between 1907 and 1922 it is not known. Did the Society stop meeting at some stage and then reform in 1922 or simply records were lost or not kept during that period?  

In 1941-42 the Society was again reformed as recorded in handwritten notes of the meeting held in G. Lee‘s front room.  The notes listed 18 attendees and venues where the Society members would meet in 1941-42.

Early history of the Society reports that it actively encouraged presenting displays and various exhibitions were held in Ballarat.

1960 Congress Cover - Ballarat Stamp Club

In 1947 the first display was held in conjunction with the Arts, Crafts and Hobbies Exhibition and during the Begonia Festival in 1956 a Cobb Coach Mail Souvenir cover was produced in conjunction with Begonia Festival Committee

The Ballarat Philatelic Society has hosted VPA congresses in 1960, 1965 1993 and 2004.

The Society’s 1972 Golden Jubilee Exhibition was held in the Ballarat Art Gallery and in 1988 it conducted its first one day stamp fair issuing the first of its regular covers. In 1990 a three-day fair was held in Ballarat Civic Hall with a cover issued for each day.

In 2003 the Society started to hold two fairs a year: March coinciding with the Begonia Festival and the Eureka Fair in October.

Overprinted Australia Post booklets were issued for each fair from 2003 to 2010, with the exception of 2004 and March 2005 when overprinted Australia Post miniature sheets were produced for sale.

October 2012 Cover - Ballarat Stamp Club

From October 2010 limited edition souvenir covers and an overprinted miniature sheets have been sold at each fair. Unfortunately, the fairs scheduled in 2020 and 2021 have been cancelled due to COVID-19 consequently the covers and miniature sheets produced and sold were overprinted “Cancelled due to Covid”. Overall if you wanted to collect all the Ballarat Philatelic Society Souvenirs there are 32 covers,12 booklets and 26 miniature sheets

In 2018 the Society issued a series of five Ballarat Cinderellas, sold either individually or on a cover at each fair. The Society also commenced running a one frame philatelic exhibition at its fairs which was open to members of other societies to enter.

Ballarat Philatelic Society has further promoted stamp collecting through a regular newsletter that publicises club and activities and presents interesting and quirky articles of interest to its members and the larger wider readerships. We also have an informative web presence at Ballarat Stamp Club.

Cinderella - Ballarat Stamp Club

Over time the Society has endeavoured to encourage students to become collectors with members conducting lunch time collector sessions at several primary schools.

Starting in April 2020 at the onset of COVID-19 the club decided to encourage new younger collectors to take up philately as a hobby and has regularly advertised ‘Free Stamps for Kids’ and to date has sent out over 200 packs of stamps, at the same time encouraging the recipients to take up free membership of the Society. 

Ballarat Philatelic Society meetings are held at the Eureka Leisure Centre in Eastwood Street Ballarat every third and fifth Monday of the month at 7.30pm.

Prospective members are welcome to attend and will be made very welcome by current members.

Download - Ballarat Philatelic Society Collectibles

Celebrating Ballarat Philatelic Society's 120th Anniversay, May 11th 2024

The club's celebration of 120 years of existence was a great success with over 50 in attendance made up of club members, life members, partners and representatives from other clubs.  All in attendance enjoyed the displays put on by the members, the chance to catch up with people they hadn't seen for some time as well as feasting on an array of excellent food.  Thanks to all responsible.

Click on the image for the full photo

120th Celebration
120 Years Photos
20th Celebration Photos
20th Celebration Photos
20th Celebration Photos
20th Celebration Photos
120th Celebration Photos

We still have available for sale the excellent souvenir cover designed by club Life Member Keith Sanders cancelled with the special pictorial post mark designed by Club Member Sarah Waugh available for purchase.

The cover, with the insert is available for $5 plus $2.50 postage and  email for more information



Learn More About our Society

  • Stamp Fairs
  • Stamps For Kids
  • Events
  • History
  • Membership

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